Hopefully that title got you singing some Hamilton in your head. But if not, go Spotify that soundtrack and listen to your heart’s content.
Posting about my next goal for 2020 and looking back at 2019, well, it’s time to share what else is in store! I’ve talked about a few of the races on my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts as I’ve signed up for them, but it’s hard to keep track. Sometimes I feel like I’m just throwing out more names. I need to look at an actual calendar to make sure there’s enough time in between each one… just kidding, I did that, though my coach might want me to take a wee bit more time before rolling into the next. I just need to set my expectations accordingly.
But here’s the scoop! You already know about the Hilton Head half marathon in February, but just a couple of weeks later, I’m finally getting to do the Charlotte Hot Chocolate 15k. Why finally? Well, this is one of the races where when I heard about it, I immediately added it to my ‘to-run’ list. Hot chocolate? Jacket with finish? Non-crazy running distance and somewhat close to me? Yes, yes, yes! However, in the last couple of years it had conflicted with races that I had already signed up for. Thankfully, I got the 2020 race on my calendar before I could make any other decisions that would conflict.

After Hilton Head and the Hot Chocolate 15k, I decided to cram in one more half before I hunkered down into longer distances. So I finally bit the bullet and signed up for the Tobacco Road half marathon. This race is so close; not even 30 minutes away from me, but I’ve always put off running it. I don’t even have a great reason aside from I usually have scheduling conflicts, but this is reportedly one of the flattest races in our area so might as well go for another PR attempt while I’m at it! I’m hoping to just keep chipping away at my half marathon time. This race is towards the end of March, so a few weeks from my previous half and rolling right on into my peak full marathon mileage.
Because at the end of April, I’m running the Big Sur International Marathon! I am beyond thrilled to have been given the chance to run this race thanks to BibRave. This is a bucket list marathon for sure, so for as often as I swear off the marathon distance, there was no passing this one up! We moved to North Carolina from the California Bay Area, and Big Sur was one of our favorite spots while we were there. In fact, it’s one of the spots that I miss the most when I think about California and what we left. Don’t get me wrong, we absolutely love North Carolina, but you cannot duplicate the incredible sheer California coast as you drive the highway through Big Sur. Or Napa Valley and the surrounding area of that matter. My two favorite places in California and I’m thrilled to be able to race Big Sur to experience the beauty of the space again.
Finally, I finish off the first half of the year with the Bryce Canyon Ultra Marathon. I’m doing the 50 miler though I was flip-flopping between doing the 50k and 60k… ultimately I decided that the 50 miler would get me through the main sites of both of the shorter distances so I might as well go for it. I know. I have problems. But I’m excited to make it back to this beautiful area, and this time with my family! Yup, you read that right. We are doing a family trip driving from Vegas, to Zion, the Grand Canyon and other sites around the area, and ultimately ending up at Bryce Canyon so that I can regret the bad decisions that I make. But with all of my runs through the area in 2019, I never made it as far to Bryce. I knew it was going on my list to hit up so what better time than the present?
And that’s it for now! Yup, I’ve only planned out the first half of the year. Pretty unlike me but as I didn’t get into the Chicago marathon, I’m holding out to figure out the second half of the year. I’d love to do the Urban Bourbon Half Marathon in Kentucky, both because it sounds like a blast, and Kentucky is on my lift of 50 states that still needs to be crossed off. I’m also considering putting my name in the lottery for the Marine Corps marathon, but we’ll see how I’m feeling once that opens up. You know how I feel about marathons (disregard the fact that yes, I’m running one in April), but this is another iconic one that I’m not ready to give up on yet. I’ll keep you posted as my plans pan out!
Any of those races sound appealing? I have some discount codes!
Run any of the Hilton Head race weekend distances with 15% off your entry. Use the code ‘HH15’.
Want to run the Charlotte Hot Chocolate 5k or 15k? Get a free running hat with the promo code: ‘BRHCCharlotte19’
What do you have planned for 2020? Share some of the races you’re signed up for or looking into! Drop a note in the comment box below.